Saying goodbye

Saying goodbye

‘With change brings grief but don’t let that grief make you think that the change is a bad thing.’ I saw that quote at the weekend and it really resonated with me. For the last while this move is feeling very close and now it is close. In less then a week I will be...

I forgot the ball

I forgot the ball

 I moved out of my house in Belfast a week ago so right now my stuff is scattered over three rooms in my parents’ house and my car. I plan on being based in Dublin until I move to Galway, sometime in July but I am still teaching in a primary school in Newry on a...



What a week! It is Tuesday and I feel like I am still recovering from last week! I had a week full of classes, travelling, friends – old and new, and so much love! When I thought about writing this blog about the past week, I thought that I would be writing it with a...

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