Five tips for good sleep

Five tips for good sleep

Better sleep was the number one and biggest improvement I noticed in and for myself when I started practicing mindfulness regularly. Previous to this, if I was struggling with sleep I could go a week or more without much sleep at all. Night after night I would lie...
Setting Boundaries

Setting Boundaries

Growing up I was surrounded by a lot of people that didn’t have my best interests at heart and up until a year and a half ago, most of these people were still in my life. Having unkind people around me growing up meant that I assumed that people being mean was normal....
Mum guilt

Mum guilt

Mother’s Day on Sunday and I have started advertising my next adult mindfulness course. This course is called Just Relax for Adults as relaxing, resting and sitting with ourselves is a lot of what we will be doing so for this blog I want to talk a little about the...
Gratitude practice

Gratitude practice

I mentioned in the last blog that I was stressed. I amn’t as stressed now but it hasn’t gone completely. Even yesterday, I had a lovely day by the sea reading and walking and then suddenly I felt this tension and tightness in my jaw. This isn’t the first time my jaw...
Take a break!

Take a break!

I have been learning about my menstrual cycle for the past two years and one of the biggest things I have learnt is that if I listen to my body before and during my bleed time and rest, then I can be more productive for the rest of the month. I have spent the past ten...
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