Solas Relaxation provides mindfulness and relaxation classes for teachers, parents, the whole family together and for schools and youth groups.
Teacher Sessions Katie McGreal Solas Relaxation
Teacher Sessions
These classes are for teachers who are looking to learn some mindfulness tips and tricks they can use in the classroom to help them create a calmer and more peaceful day for everyone. The classes include practising meditation and being mindful as well as learning why it helps the brain to retain information and lots of practical tips and simple exercises that have been tried and tested in the classroom. Teachers leave these sessions feeling calm, relaxed, more peaceful and better equipped to deal with life’s ups and downs.
Parent Sessions

These sessions are to offer parents support in raising happy and healthy children. The sessions allow parents a chance to experience meditation and mindfulness and feel the full benefits of meditation and mindfulness for themselves while they also learn skills and techniques they can bring into their own home. Parents leave these sessions feeling calm, relaxed and peaceful and they feel better equipped to deal with life’s ups and downs.

Investment: €72 per session


Family Sessions

These sessions are done with any and all family members. The focus is to have fun and play together while learning ways to calm a busy mind and quieten our thoughts.

Parents are encouraged to participate and play throughout the classes as it shows the children the importance of the activities if it is something mummy and daddy are doing too.

We follow the Relax Kids Seven Steps during these classes. So that is movement and play at the beginning of the class to make sure everyone enjoys it and has fun, then we do stretches to release tension held in the body, we do gentle massage on ourselves and each other (with permission), we talk about things we enjoy and good things that have happened or we are looking forward to, we take lots of deep breaths and we have fun with our breathing as well and then the session ends with either everyone lying somewhere comfy relaxing or listening to some calming music while we draw and colour in silence.

The whole family feel calm and refreshed and more capable of dealing with life’s general ups and downs.

Investment: €77 per session


School and youth group sessions

Our mindfulness, relaxation and Relax Kids sessions can be done with groups of children in school, camps or youth group settings.

For primary aged children we follow the Relax Kids seven steps for these classes. That is movement and play at the beginning of the class to release energy, we do some simple stretches to let go of tension our body might be holding onto, we give ourselves and others a gentle massage (with permission), we do lots of deep breathing throughout the class and we have fun with the breath, we talk and think about different things we like and good things that are happening or have happened and the session ends with everyone lying down listening to gentle music and doing a lovely meditation.

There is a huge focus on fun and play as that is exactly what children like to do and don’t usually do enough of and if they can associate relaxation and mindfulness with something fun they are more likely to want to do it again.

Secondary aged group sessions include a lot of music and practising mindfulness as well as talking about the benefits of mindfulness for the brain and to help retain information. We also talk about our different emotions; where in the body we can feel them, how we react to them and feel about them when we experience them.

All classes can be and are offered on a one to one basis with one group or individual or as part of a group programme. They can be done as a one off or as a six or eight week term of classes. We are flexible to our clients needs and can alter the sessions and the classes to suit them and we also like to include interests of the children participating where we can so there is usually a discussion with parents or guardians beforehand.

Investment: €120 per session


Katie’s classes have taught me to get down to my children’s level rather then be the adult to them. Cannot recommend Katie enough.
Sam, England

He was so engrossed in it, even stroked the tree. He sat afterwards, described the door and told me all the things he saw. I asked if he would want to do it again and he said he would. Thank you.
Debbie, about her son Ethan, 9, England

Highly highly recommend these classes. Katie is amazing. Bedtime is so easy now.

Fantastic way for kids and parents to pick up some tools in mindfulness and it’s a lot of fun for everyone. Katie’s approach is perfect and very engaging.
Michelle, Galway

My family has had such fun on her courses! We still use our calm buttons and my kids still make pizza or cake on my back.
Samantha, England

Katie was fantastic with my twins (almost 4yr olds) really engaging and kept them engaged throughout. They loved the various activities and exercises, and we still use some techniques to relax at the end of the day.
Amy, Dublin

Techniques taught were very clear for children to understand and use. I can see a big improvement in my daughter already.
Stephanie, Belfast

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