The Returning to You Process

If you answer yes to any of these questions The Returning to You Process is for you

  1. Do you want to feel happier, calmer and more like yourself?
  2. Do you want to learn more about what makes you happy?
  3. Do you want to live a fulfilled and happy life?

You can, for just €57


If you could feel into what you love to do and what brings you joy.

This three-part meditation and journalling process will help you access yourself and your own thoughts and ideas again. It will help you feel into what you love to do, what brings you joy, makes you happy and how you want to live your life.

We spend so much of our time wondering what we ‘should’ be doing or what someone else would want us to do and following this path doesn’t always bring US joy! But with so much noise in our external world it can be difficult to really identify what it is that you love to do.

The Returning to You Process is your antidote to this.

The Returning to You Process definitely knows how to make you just stop. My reflection right now is bare but I’m hopeful it’s brought something to my inner mind that will come out over the coming days. I will do the course again in the future and see what’s come of it all, any change big or small.

Marie-Frances Costello

I finished the Returning to You Process and it was just fabulous. Exactly what I needed for myself! Thank you

Brenda, Galway

I had so many positive things come out during the Returning to You Process. I felt really good afterwards and I did loads of journaling which I don’t normally do. I have been looking for something that will help me journal more after my meditations and this is it. It’s absolutely brilliant and I can’t fault it! Katie is so positive and happy while she’s explaining the process and then the process itself is great. The order it’s all done in works really well and the music at the beginning of the meditations were really fantastic.

Teresa, England



You can either do it over a few days, or you can do it all in one sitting and it’ll only take up to 2.5 hours and by the time you have finished it you will have a solid idea and a written account of what you want your life to look and feel like and how you can get there. You will also feel calm, centred and a lot lighter as we will let go of a lot of the noise that has been cluttering your mind.

The first part of the process is a body and breath based meditation aimed to take you out of your mind with all of it’s thoughts and into your physical body. After the meditation you will be guided to write, either in a journal or on the PDF that is provided. You will be guided to free write anything that comes to you to just clear it all out of your head.

In part two the meditation will again bring you out of your mind and into your physical experience before asking you different questions such as ‘What do you want more of?’ ‘What makes you happy?’.

You will be guided to allow these questions be in your awareness without struggling mentally to come up with an answer. You will be guided to allow the answers to come to you so they come from your soul, from the part of you that just knows and not from the ego and the thinking mind.

The part two PDF has each of these questions written out so you don’t need to remember them when you are doing your second journalling exercise. You can again just write what comes up or you can  answer the questions and reflect on what happened during the meditation.

During part three you will be guided to visualise yourself in the future. You will be fully supported in this powerful visualisation practice with an opportunity to see what you could look like in the future and what you could sound like and even if you have any wisdom for yourself. After this meditation you are again invited to write about your experience.

The PDF journals can be printed out or you can just write straight into your journal following the prompts of the audio files.

By the end of this three part process you will have a clear idea of what you want your life to look like, how you want your life to feel and even an idea of how you will get there.

Click the link below to purchase the beautiful process and once you own it, it is yours forever!

When: Whenever you want or need to do it

How: click the sign up link below or above and follow the instructions

Investment: €50

Returning to you is everything I hoped it would be & a little more besides. The meditations are set out clearly and allow for visualisations to form easily. I also love how Katie points out that if your thoughts have wandered it’s okay. The additional journalling prompts really help you to consider what came through on the meditations and also helps you to assess what can help you to improve areas of your life that might not be exactly where you want them.

Debbie, England

Katie is an expert when it comes to stress relief and relaxation. I would highly recommend her course.


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